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of the book that helps you make a


Two ways to listen to the Audiobook

Download the MP3 files and listen on any device

Your files are ready to download and play straight away.

Download the Teachable app and listen via the app

You’ll need to download the Teachable app and enrol in the audiobook, but the listening experience is really good.

Included in the Digital Book downloads are;

Epub (Fixed Layout)

Pdf – Spreads

Pdf – Single Pages

For the best experience, I recommend reading the pdf on your tablet, e-reader or computer.

I have included both the single pages and spreads pdfs to adapt to how you like to read your digital book. The book has been beautifully designed by Elvina Yuliana, and is best viewed in its original format, which the pdf delivers.

Watch the recording of David’s 1000th pitch workshop!

Having difficulty with downloading the digital book, audiobook,
or got any questions about Blue Moon Pitch?

You can also contact me via the Contact form on this website.